What is next?

Group of people walking on a park path,

As you consider "What comes next?" it's essential to approach this exploration with a sense of curiosity, openness, and strategic action. Here are three pathways to guide your journey:

1. Dive Deep into Learning Experiences

2. Forge Connections through Networking

3. Refine Your Decision-Making Skills


Want to dig a bit deeper? Try these activities:  

Update LinkedIn as your future self

1. Dive Deep into Learning Experiences

Immerse yourself in a variety of learning environments to broaden your understanding and gain new perspectives. The Career Exploration & Education department at the University of Toronto offers a wealth of resources to help you start this journey. Engage with their CLNx platform, a comprehensive tool designed to connect you with workshops, events, and informational resources that illuminate the breadth of career paths available.

Experiential Learning Hub—UofT -The Experiential Learning Hub is a resource that supports students to navigate and discover impactful, experiential learning experiences.

Arts and Sciences - Experiential Learning - The Faculty of Arts & Science offers a unique range of programs designed to help students gain an experiential and international perspective on their studies.

Center for Community Partnerships - CCP offers leadership opportunities to volunteers, supporting community non-profits while developing knowledge and skills.

2. Forge Connections through Networking


Building a robust network is not just about collecting contacts—it's about cultivating meaningful relationships with individuals who share your interests and aspirations. Participate in networking workshops and attend events that bring together like-minded individuals. The Career Exploration & Education department provides numerous opportunities to engage with professionals through their events and workshops. This is your chance to learn from those who've navigated their paths successfully and can offer insights into the realities of different fields.

Attend a Networking Strategies workshop (register on CLNx)


Activity:  Try updating your LinkIn as your future self

3. Refine Your Decision-Making Skills

Making career decisions is a skill that can be honed through practice and reflection. Explore programs that offer experiential learning opportunities, allowing you to test the waters of various professions in a real-world context. The University of Toronto, for instance, offers programs that enable you to engage directly with industries and roles of interest. These experiences are invaluable; they glimpse potential careers and help you understand your preferences and aversions more clearly.

  • Reflect on Your Values and Skills: Before diving into specific roles or industries, take the time to reflect on what matters most to you in a career. What are your core values? What skills do you enjoy using? Workshops like Know Your Skills or events like Exploring Career Indecision.
  • Seek Out Mentorship: Connect with mentors in fields of interest through university alumni networks or professional associations. These relationships can offer invaluable guidance and insights as you navigate your career path. https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/department/mentorship-peer-programs/
  • Embrace Lifelong Learning: The world of work and the skills required to thrive in it are ever-evolving. Engage in continuous learning opportunities through formal education, workshops, or self-directed learning to keep your skills sharp and connected to changing values.

Looking for more ways to explore?

  • What is important to me?: Gain some insight into how self-reflection can help you as you explore future career directions
  • What is Out There?: Explore strategies and tools that help you align your core values and needs in career decision-making